Wednesday, July 15, 2009

8 Weeks

Well folks, this surgery and I are getting along swimmingly. My weight loss has stabilized to a steady 2 or 3 pounds a week, and I'm very happy with that. When I was losing too quickly it was making me grumpy, and draining all of my energy which made working out too difficult. Now, even though the pounds are coming off more slowly, I'm able to work out more, which makes me feel great!

To be honest though, I haven't stepped a foot inside a gym in a full week. You see, my dear aunt Flo came to visit. (This is where any stray boy might want to stop reading).

Since I'm not allowed to take aspirin or ibprofen--or anything that contains either of those--I decided to let myself take a week off from my workout schedule to relax. Instead of hitting the gym, I spent my free time with my heating pad, warm creamy cups of tea, and a good book! haha.

It was sort of crazy to see what my cycle did to my weight loss graph. The first day I gained 5 pounds of water weight. 5 POUNDS in one day! It was so crazy to see it jump like that. It stayed elevated for the first 3 days, and then started dropping again. Now I'm at day 6 and back down to just below my pre-cycle weight. So really all it did was cost me a week of progress, but that's not a big deal.

My body is in this super weird transition phase. I look in the mirror and get discouraged instantly. Because, I'm losing weight--slowly, but it's happening, I know that--but it's not in a shrinking way. It's not like those simulations they show on diet pill infomercials where they start with this big bloated cartoon who morphs into a skinny girl. It looks more like....



I know. Sexy. But seriously, everywhere that used to be solid firm fat (the worst kind!) is now sort of... jigggly. My nutritionist says it's totally normal, and my skin is doing a fairly good job of keeping up, but it's still a very unattractive process.

But who cares? I still have 150 pounds to go. That's an entire Benjamin that I have to lose! Ya can't expect that to happen smoothly!

Heading out to for my daily protein shake, but I'll write again soon!

By the way, I came across this picture of myself from the summer I first met Ben, and it made me cry. I looked so confident, and happy, and energetic. In fact, my face looked down-right SLIM compared to most of my adult life.

This is the girl that Ben fell in love with, the young girl with long wispy curls, a sparkle in her eyes and a bright smile.

Where did she go?! She got hidden away by 75 pounds of post-wedding weight, and bad haircuts, I guess.

I can only hope that I'll look like this again, sometime soon...


  1. That was a *very* good summer, my dear. I miss you much!

  2. AnonymousJuly 20, 2009

    Your very beautiful... This may sound cliche but it is what is inside that counts, and there you are one of the most beautiful women I know. ON the outside you are georgeous also, you are the whole package. Just because you aren't a size 2 doesn't change that. I miss seeing your smiley face, you are in my thoughts and prayers as you continue your journey.

  3. AnonymousJuly 21, 2009

    Baby Girl! My first comment on your blog! I'm soooooo proud of you and your attitude during this difficult but rewarding process. Hair can grow and weight is being lost. But the beauty of you has never changed. A compassionate kind heart. A ready smile and a laugh and the generous way you give yourself away. My prayer and hope for you is that this process will help you to take as good of care for yourself as you do for others...I love you infinity! Mom
