Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Weight Loss Soul Sister

So I found this channel on You Tube and I am LOVING this girl. This is one of her first videos, and although it's like 18 months old, it's so similar to where I am, that I had to post it. It's like having a friend going through the same thing as me!! Thank goodness for You Tube.

P.S.--I plan to do my own videos soon. I'm still not feeling confident enough to put my fat face on the internet. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Rachel MayJuly 01, 2009

    you shouldnt be embarassed you are such an example of how we need to face our fears, combat our weaknesses...and you are comign out strong. i know its been an intensely hard road for you, but dont feel embarassed at all. youve lost almost 70 lbs in less than a year. you are making awesome decisions and you are defeating your old self with her addictions along with her : ] im stupidly proud of you. i hope you know how beautiful you are, how fun and wonderful and how much hope this blog will bring to people. : ] i imagine some people finding it by accident (also known as gods plan) in years to come, and finding strength.
    much love and all my prayers.
