Tuesday, May 19, 2009

T-Minus 7 days

I had my final pre-op appointment today. It was a day full! I took off from work around 12:30, and drove up to Legacy Good Samaritan, home of the Weight Institute and my surgeons office. I had to have blood drawn for a final set of labs, have another EKG to double check for any heart abnormalities, meet with the nurse practioner again about the risks and my post op medications, and end the day with a 2 hour pre-op class.

The class consisted of Ben and I, and 4 other patients with their support people. Everybody in the class is having surgery next week. It was so surreal to look around and think "we're the next batch of after pictures just waiting to happen". There was a young mom there about my age, and I've decided that we're going to be friends. She had this contagious energy and optimism. It was friendship at first sight. I haven't technically spoken to her yet, but we're going to be in the same post-op support group, so I am confident I'll be able to win her over. *wink*

There were two sections to the class, the first half-hour was lead by one of the nutritionists at the clinic (happened to be mine!). I think most of the information was review for all of us, but it was helpful nonetheless. For me, a lot of this information started 8 months ago, so the refresher course was welcome.

She gave us shopping lists for the things we'll need to buy between now and next week to make sure we're prepared to come home from the hospital. Things like protein drinks, low sodium v8 juice, and chicken broth, since it'll be only liquids for 2 weeks, and only purreed foods (think applesauce) for an additional two weeks. She also went over the intense protein demands we'll be under. For example, for my weight I'll need to get at least 125 grams of protein a day, from my first day after surgery. To put that in perspective--that's about 5 large chicken breasts, or a 100 medium shrimp. Since I have to get all that purely from liquid, it's a tall order.

In fact, it's a gigantic order. Because my tiny new stomach will be swollen to an even smaller size, I can only drink in sips--about an ounce every 15 or 30 minutes. 

I have to drink an equivalent to 100 shrimp--in sips? Yep. She explained that it essentially means drinking a mixture of heavy protein powder (20 grams a scoop or more) and 2% milk all day every day for 2 weeks.

Oh yeah.  It's a sexy process, this recovery. :-) 

The nutritionist also let us know what to expect for the rest of the first 6 weeks of recovery. It was a lot of information to pack in to the first 30 minutes. After she finished, we spent just over an hour with the nurse practioner, who went over the medical side of everything. She explained what the day of surgery would look like, exactly what the anesthesiologist would do to put us under, and what we could expect to experience as we were waking up. It really did put a lot of my fears at ease. For example, it was really calming to hear that the anesthesiologist is going to be there throughout surgery ensuring that i'm just the right measure of 'out'. It's a fine line between needing a respirator because they don't want my diaphram getting in the way, and needing a respirator because I'm dead. So, I'm glad to know it'll be monitored constantly. haha! 

Of course she went over all of the risks--and their percentages--one more time. We've all heard and signed away on those risks a dozen times in the process, but it's always sobering to hear. 1 person in a 1000 still dies during this surgery. Since the clinic does several hundred a year between the 3 surgeons, the odds are a little intimidating. Will I be the one this year? 

Ben says I better not be. :-) 

All in all it was a good experience. Ben needed to hear about the risks and what to expect, so it was great to have him there with me. Even if it wasreview for me, a lot of it was new for him, and that's important. Just a week to go! 

On the dieting front, I will keep up with this same high-protein low calorie diet until Friday, and then I have to switch to an all clear-liquid diet for the 3 days before surgery. No memorial day barbecue for me. 

Small price to pay. 

By the way, I found this amazing website for post-surgery recipes. It's designed for bypass patients, but it's great for anyone looking for high protein and low calorie foods. I can't wait to try some of these! 

That's all for today, I'm off to watch the rest of the Idol Finale! Go Kris!

Oh--P.S.! I lost TWELVE (12!!!) POUNDS since my appointment on May 1st, since starting my pre-op diet. It was totally worth the wait to find out with my surgeon and Ben there to witness it, so I'm glad that stupid movie theatre scale didn't work!!

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